City of Spencer Resident Impact Survey

July 05, 2024

Category: Disaster Relief, Local Partners

Thank you for taking a few minutes today to complete the following survey. Please review your rights as a participant before accessing the study: 

  • The information from this study will help provide your community leadership with information to support flood relief efforts. The survey is being conducted by the University of Northern Iowa on behalf of the Spencer community leadership team.
  • We estimate the survey will take about 7-10 minutes to complete.
  • Your participation in this research is 100% voluntary
  • There are no foreseeable risks to participation in this study, and you may choose to stop participating at any time. 
  • We ask that you only submit one questionnaire per household.
  • If you are unable to complete the survey in one sitting, you may save and resume taking the survey where you left off for up to one week after beginning the survey. However, the "save and resume" function will only work if you are using the same computer or mobile device.
  • To save, simply close your browser window. To resume, re-click on the survey link (the same one you used to initially access the study); it will automatically take you back to where you stopped in the survey.
  • While no entity can guarantee that data transmitted over the Internet is 100% secure, please be assured UNI is committed to protecting your privacy and confidentiality. You may opt in to share your personal contact information so you can receive information about resources. If you opt in, your information will not be shared with any other third-party.
  • If you have any questions directly related to this survey, call Christy Ryken at (319) 273-7314. If you have questions related to your rights as a research participant, please call UNI's Institutional Review Board at (319) 273-6148.