Iowa Individual Disaster Assistance Program

June 25, 2024

Category: Disaster Relief

IIAGP offers grants to families whose household’s annual income is at 200% or less of the federal poverty level. 

Chart titled "2024 national poverty guidelines," showing income levels for household sizes 1 to 8, ranging from $30,120 for one person to $105,440 for eight people.

Each eligible household may receive up to $5,000 for items that qualify under one of the four categories: temporary housing, food assistance, personal property, and home repair. Supporting documentation is required.

The IIAGP is activated when the Governor issues a disaster proclamation turning on IIAGP for the affected counties. Applicants have 45 days from the date of the Governor’s proclamation to apply. Check the Counties with Active Proclamationssection of the disaster assistance main page for IIAGP deadlines. If a presidential disaster declaration for Individual Assistance is issued for a county for the same event, the IIAGP is automatically turned off for that county and the federal program goes into effect.